World leaders in animal identification
Allflex Identification
World leaders in animal identification
Allflex, part of MSD Animal Health, is a world leader in the design, development, manufacturing and delivery of solutions for animal identification, farm management and traceability. Our data-driven solutions are used by farmers, companies and countries to manage hundreds of millions of animals worldwide.
By putting intelligent, actionable management information into farmers’ hands, our solutions empower them to act in a timely manner to trace animals and safeguard their health and wellbeing, while achieving optimal production outcomes for a healthy, sustainable food supply.
1955 – when it all started
Allflex started with the need to tell cattle apart
Back in the 1950s, before stubbies were fashionable, plastics innovator, John Burford crossed paths with a local cocky, Brian Murphy. The two hit it off and set about finding a better way to track Brian’s livestock. After more than a handful of on-site meetings, they came up with what would become the most efficient means of identifying livestock – the flexible plastic ear tag.

Rural from the get-go
It’s fair to say the tags did well. After setting up a new plant in Palmerston North, Brian and John started sharing their innovations with others, both locally and globally.
In 1974, the first Allflex tags landed in Australia and America. By 1978, they had reached Europe and after a couple of years, they had managed to help farmers across most of the world.
In 1992, Allflex successfully launched electronic tags. These clever pieces were an even more efficient tool for herd management – and quickly made the lives of farmers around the globe much easier.
Allflex acquires SCR
The Allflex Group enters the world of animal health monitoring through the acquisition of SCR Monitoring Solutions and successfully launched monitoring collars to market.

Allflex joins MSD Animal Health
With investment from MSD Animal Health, the Allflex cow collar launch was extremely successful, seeing the monitoring team grow quickly to meet farmer demand.
In 2022, a strategic decision was made to transition the monitoring portfolio to the SenseHub® Dairy brand, while Allflex remains the brand of our identification solutions. The same brand farmers have come to know and trust.