MSD Animal health
A leader in veterinary medicines, vaccines, animal identification and AgriTech solutions
MSD Animal Health provides veterinary medicines, vaccines, health management solutions and services as well as an extensive suite of connected technology including identification, traceability, monitoring and automation products.
the science of healthier animalsTM
Helping animals live longer, healthier, more productive lives
Animals feed us, comfort us and work for us, that’s why MSD Animal Health is all about making them healthier. Therefore, we help animals live longer, happier, and more productive lives.
As part of our commitment to The Science of Healthier Animals our scientists and experts work to advance the state of veterinary medicine and animal health by discovering and developing innovative products and solutions. These include veterinary medicines, vaccines, parasite control and technology.
Whilst a global company, many of our vaccine, technology and identification products are proudly made right here in New Zealand.
Our products and services preserve and improve the health, wellbeing and performance of animals and the people who care for them.

BRAVECTO® dog flea treatment range. ACVM No’s: A01193, A011019, A011261. SHUTOUT ACVM No: A011866. COOPERS® Worm, fly and lice treatment range. ACVM No’s: A10249, A8214, A10119, A7130, A7368. BOVILIS® Cattle Vaccine range. ACVM No’s: A8237, A11518
helping dairy farmers and veterinarians
Technology, identification and animal health care for dairy farmers
MSD Animal Health offers dairy farmers and veterinarians a comprehensive product range that supports best-practice operational and animal health goals. This includes the Allflex® visual and electronic identification, SenseHub® Dairy behaviour and milk monitoring, Intelligate® and Protrack® drafting solutions and a range of milking shed automation.
Our brands