Milking machine pulsators
Improve milking cow efficiency, increase comfort and optimise udder health.
Pulsators help prevent over-milking and teat damage. Our pulsators are suitable for herringbone or rotary sheds and can benefit both your cows and your income.
Milking machine test result highlighted pulsator issue
Is it time to replace your milking machine pulsators?
Has your recent milking machine test report recommended you fix or upgrade your pulsation system? If you recently received a poor pulsation test result, or you have noticed your milking time is increasing, pulsators out of rhythm, cows getting cranky or behaving poorly whilst being milked, then maybe it’s time to replace your pulsators.
Pulsators are needed in every cow shed to help improve the efficiency of milking cows, increase cow comfort and optimise cow udder health.
DairyNZ estimate that in typical New Zealand dairy herds, faulty milking equipment can be linked to 40-50% of new clinical mastitis cases1.

Milking pulsators
5-year service schedule
SenseHub® Dairy 4Puls pulsators with Pulse-8 pulsation controllers are a great addition to any milking shed. Simple to operate with easily adjustable ratio and rate settings, they therefore provide reliable and precise milking, improving your efficiency and cow comfort. Main features include:
- low power consumption
- low maintenance
- 5-year service schedule
- easy to install between milkings
- for herringbone or rotary sheds
We also offer options for more intuitive pulsation that automatically applies teat massage to stimulate milk let-down and adjusts pulsation rate and ratio according to real-time milk flow.
Milking machine pulsators
What do pulsators do?
Pulsators mimic the natural suckling pattern of a calf by regulating the vacuum pressure in the chamber around the liner. Therefore, causing the cup liner to open allowing milk to flow, then closes the liner around the teat, massaging the tissues and reducing congestion.
A good pulsation system reduces:
- time needed to milk out each cow
- pain and discomfort when milk flow ends
- fluid accumulation in teat tissue, that can damage teats
As pulsators play such a critical role in your cow shed, we therefore recommend you get your pulsation system tested 1-2 times per year, by a certified milking machine tester. Many of our Authorised Dealers can also do this.
