Protrack support
Protrack® – helping Kiwi farmers work smarter, faster, better.
Protrack support is the home of short “How to” videos to help you and your team get the most out of your Protrack general setup, drafting gate, milk sensors, feed control and EZ heat.
Please note: It will take 1-2 minutes to load this Protrack support page, then you can filter by the module you need help with
Animals drafted
Animals to be drafted
Draft a group from MINDA LIVE
How to create a quick draft
Feed based on herd test
Environmental adjustments
Ranking feed recipes
About the action screen
Add quick events to action bar
Alerts Setup
Animal count and missing animals
Animal info screens
Change the order of quick events
Columns setup
Create a Protrack layout
Managing PYO groups
Milking times
Setting up a new milking layout
Setting up quick events live
Stacking quick events
Create EZ heat group
Create quick events for EZ heat
Heat settings
Maintaining EZ heat records
Milking with EZ Heat
Reapplying heat patches
Recommending EZ Heat Settings 1
Removing a non heat
Using the EZ Heat Draft Checklist
Milk Sensors
Bulk SCC graph
Health indicators
Herd production screen
Last milking
Milking screen
Sensor setup
Add an extra dose
Adding treatment columns to the milking screen
Treatment Screen
If you still require technical support for your existing Protrack products, please call our friendly, New Zealand-based team on 0800 255 353, Option 1 or visit